The Promises of God

Saturday, July 27, 2024

I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him (Ecclesiastes 3:14).

Every confession of faith must begin, as does the famous Apostles’ Creed, with the pronoun "I.” Real faith is a personal experience. "Live by faith until you have faith,” Peter Boehler admonished John Wesley.

  • "Nothing before, nothing behind;

  • The steps of Faith

  • Fall on the seeming void, and find

  • The Rock beneath.”


Millions of people today are spiritually adrift. They have no sure haven for their souls. They have no solid anchor of truth, no clear conviction of right and wrong, of yes and no, of white and black; only a hopeless gray of indecision. It is not always popular to be positive.

The unhappiness of modern man comes directly from his lack of faith. Every one of us needs a refuge from the storms of life, and that refuge is faith in God. For peace of soul we must be able to say, A"I know.” The writer of today’s text knew something. He knew that what God does He does for eternity. The things that God is doing now will reach fulfillment despite opposing forces. When we see God at work in the world, we should take courage and "fear before him.” We are too greatly influenced by the spirit of the age, by time. Man’s ideas, ways, doings, are as changeable as the weather, but through daily study of God’s Word and prayer we may keep in step with the Eternal on His march through the ages.

  • Changeless in a world of change,

  • Thy Word reveals the way,

  • Shining all along the path

  • From darkness unto day.

MEDITATION PRAYER: "In the Lord put I my trust” (Psalms 11:1).

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