
Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done. I am the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Revelation 22:12, 13, NIV.

Checking my cordless phone recently, I discovered what I thought was an expired battery, as I couldn’t get a dial tone. So sure it needed a battery, I purchased one, and charged the new battery according to the instructions. When I rechecked the phone, I could see that there was some power as the messages and caller ID were intact, but I still couldn’t get a dial tone.

I thought that maybe this phone had seen its best days and relegated it to the trash and purchased a new one. The next day, while programming the new phone, I read this advice from the instructions sheet: “Once per month use a pencil eraser and clean the connections to maintain uninterrupted use.” I retrieved my discarded phone from the trash and plugged it in again. I cleaned the connection points as outlined, and the phone quickly gave me a dial tone. Connection points accumulate corrosion that gets in the way of direct connections.

Sometimes our very lives get so corroded with the sins of anger, greed, guilt, envy, and jealousy that we can’t get a direct connection with the Lord. The extra prayer is the eraser that removes the corrosion and allows connection with the Lord.

Sometimes as God’s children we are seeking directions from the Lord as to what He wants us to do, but often we don’t wait to get full instructions. The Lord has a plan for you to prosper and “be in good health, just as it is well with your soul” (3 John 1:2, NRSV).

We need a daily reconnection with the Lord so that when He speaks we will understand and be willing and ready to obey. The evil one has always tried to duplicate or out-do the Lord. If we aren’t careful, even the very elect will be deceived, thinking we are connected with the Lord.

During the final days of this earth the evil one will try many things to deceive us. The devil knows his future and desires to keep us misconnected from Christ. God’s Word tells us about all of these possibilities.

Dear Jesus, help me to keep connected with You so that I will know Your will in my life. Thank You for being my Lord and my Savior. Amen.

—Betty G. Perry

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